|Default:| load the 8X8 pattern with the original application default for the pattern.
|Revert:| loads the 8X8 pattern with its value when editing began; its the pattern you would obtain if you clicked |Cancel|.
|Edit Preview:| shows enlarged view of the 8X8 pattern. Click on a bit to reverse it; or drag across many to change them all to the same value.
|Pattern Group:| displays 1 of 4 pattern groups. Click to edit. Drag to preview. The first group has a 'No' pattern for full transparency: and the next 8 patterns are reserved because some print drivers use them for true gray scale printing.
|Next and Previous Group:| click the Up-Arrow to go to the previous group, or the Down-Arrow to go to the next group.
|Normal Preview| preview the appearance of the pattern over a large area.
|Invert| changes all white bits to black and vice-versa.
|Clear| sets all bits to white.
The |Bit Editor| allows changes to individual patterns.
|Edit Patterns| allows changes to document patterns.